The following FAQ information relates to season 2017.
I played for the Sharks in 2016. When can I sign up for 2017?
Registration for Returning Players will open on January 4th, 2017 and remain open for the month of January. All 2016 players have been emailed a link to the registration form at the email address attached to the player’s footyweb record last season. If you have not yet received the email, check your Junk folder, and failing that, try this link Returning Players should register in this period to maintain their priority registration status.
When will Registration open for for New Players?
Registration for New Players will open on Sunday 5th February from 9.00am online via this website.
Is there a Registration Day where we can come down to the club and register there?
Not any more. All registrations are now done online. Merchandise Day at the club will be 5th March.
How will I get uniform items then?
Come to Merchandise Day on 5th March.
What age group will my child be in for the 2017 season?
Year of Birth | Age Group for 2017 YJFL Boys Competition |
2009, 2010 to April 30th | U8s |
2008 | U9s |
2007 | U10s |
2006 | U11s |
2005 | U12s |
2004 | U13s |
2003 | U14s |
2002 | U15s |
2000, 2001 | Colts |
Year of Birth | Age Group for 2016 YJFL Girls Competition |
2005-2007 | U12s |
2003-2004 | U14s |
2001-2002 | U16s |
What is Tackers?
Up until 2014 the players who qualified for what is now U8s and U9s played together in the ‘Tackers’ competition, which is now defunct.
My child was born on 1st May 2010, one day after cut off, and is very big for his/her age, can he/she play?
No. This is both the policy of the club and a rule of the YJFL. Players of this age can play Auskick in 2017.
My child is of age group U10s by birth, but his/her best friends are a bit younger and are playing U9s, can he/she play down an age level in U9s?
No. Players are not permitted to play down an age level in any grade. Occasionally an exemption maybe granted upon application to the YJFL on medical grounds, supported by doctor’s advice and a medical certificate.
My child would like to play up an age group. Is that possible?
Yes, players are able to play up to 2 age groups above their nominal age group where is is deemed appropriate by the relevant stakeholders.
I am too old for the Colts. Where can I play now?
Camberwell Sharks is forming an alliance with Old Scotch Football Club to form a pathway for former players.
When will pre-season training start?
This varies from team to team and depends on many factors. Your Team Manager will be in touch soon after teams are put together to advise on training arrangements.
What day will training be?
Most teams train once a week between Tuesday and Thursday at Lynden Park. Football Operations will allocate grounds and times according to the team’s coach’s request and availability. In practicality, exact details for your team will probably not be bedded down until some point in March.
When does the season start?
Round 1 will be played on Sunday April 23rd. The club may arrange practice matches for club teams prior to this date.
What day/time will matches be in the regular season?
The competition is played on Sundays with matches commencing between 8.45am and 3.00pm. The younger grades play earlier in the day, older grades later. U8s might expect the majority of their games to commence at 8.45am, but may get the odd game starting at 10.00am or even as late as 11.00am on occasions.
Is tackling involved?
There is no tackling in U8s.
For U9s and U10s the following ‘Modified Tackle’ rule applies:
Modified Tackle – A player in possession of the ball may be tackled by an opponent wrapping both arms around the area below the top of the shoulders and on/above the knees. The tackle may be from either side or from behind, providing the tackle from behind does not thrust forward player with the ball (i.e. push the player in the back). Bumping is not allowed.
For U11s and up full tackling is permitted.
Are there any other modified rules for the younger age groups?
Yes. There will be reduced numbers of players on the field for U8s (12 player on field) and U9s (15 players). Oval sizes will be smaller. There is no scoring, ladder or finals for these age groups.
How much are Registration Fees?
2017 Fees are as follows: 1st Player $260, 2nd player $220, Third & subsequent $200.